[Farsides] contacting portals for CS
david blanchard
12 years ago
Hi there,

for next week's meeting, I think we can both
1) directly submit the game on the website when available (typically
2) and write an email when there is one on

For the email, I would keep it as short and simple as possible => what
do you think of something like :

"Hello Jojo,

I would like to introduce to you our game https://cardstories.org/
<http://cardstories.org/>, regarding a potential distribution
partnership with 'name of the portal'.

This multi-player game focuses on creativity and imagination. The player
picks a word, a set of cards, and has the other players guess which card
matches his word.

I can provide you with more information on the game and our studio
Farsides <http://farsides.com/>of course, and I look forward discussing
with you.

All the best,
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david blanchard
12 years ago
re-reading the email, I feel it lacks a bit of sexyness... A bit too cold.

I'm not very good at being sexy ;) so if you guys have an idea of a
small additional sentence for the email that makes us look more 'human',
would be better. I'll think about it and we can settle next week when we
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Xavier Antoviaque
12 years ago
Gave it a shot:


I've got your contact through gameindustry.com, which indicated that
you are the main contact for publishing on <XXX NAME OF PORTAL> - is
this correct? (And, if not, could you point me to the right person?)

The game we are looking to publish on <XXX NAME OF PORTAL> is
[1]https://cardstories.org/ . It's a multiplayer card game, focused on
creativity and imagination, inspired by board games like Dixit or
Apples to Apples. The player picks a word, a set of cards, and has the
other players guess which card matches his word.

Let me know what extra information you need, about the game or our
studio Farsides, and I'll compile it for you. Looking forward to
discuss with you!




On Thu, Apr 18, 2013, at 8:47, david blanchard wrote:

re-reading the email, I feel it lacks a bit of sexyness... A bit too

I'm not very good at being sexy ;) so if you guys have an idea of a
small additional sentence for the email that makes us look more
'human', would be better. I'll think about it and we can settle next
week when we talk.

Le 18/04/2013 11:43, david blanchard a ?crit :

Hi there,

for next week's meeting, I think we can both

1) directly submit the game on the website when available (typically

2) and write an email when there is one on

For the email, I would keep it as short and simple as possible => what
do you think of something like :

"Hello Jojo,

I would like to introduce to you our game [4]https://cardstories.org/,
regarding a potential distribution partnership with 'name of the

This multi-player game focuses on creativity and imagination. The
player picks a word, a set of cards, and has the other players guess
which card matches his word.

I can provide you with more information on the game and our studio
[5]Farsides of course, and I look forward discussing with you.

All the best,



Farsides mailing list - [6]bar at hackit.cx

Wiki: [7]http://farsides.com/

List: [8]http://farsides.com/ml/

Forum: [9]http://farsides.com/forum/

Ideas: [10]http://farsides.com/ideas/

Chat: [11]http://farsides.com/chat/


1. http://cardstories.org/
2. http://www.kongregate.com/games/new
3. http://www.gamesindustry.com/search/channel
4. http://cardstories.org/
5. http://farsides.com/
6. mailto:bar at hackit.cx
7. http://farsides.com/
8. http://farsides.com/ml/
9. http://farsides.com/forum/
10. http://farsides.com/ideas/
11. http://farsides.com/chat/
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david blanchard
12 years ago
it's better imho. You're good at that :)
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