[Farsides] CNC debrief
david blanchard
2012-09-04 12:37:45 UTC
First, thanks Matjaz for the support this morning :-)

So, after CNC meeting this morning, a mix of good/not so good news :

- good : they really liked the game. They find the quality impressive
given the budget, so they're happy with the way their money was spent
:), there won't be any issue on this side for releasing the rest of the

- not so good : CNC has a policy regarding free to play games that I had
not fully understood (or that was recently updated, I'm unclear).
Because of previous bad experiences with F2P games, they only release
the complementary funds once the game includes the monetization feature :/
This does not mean that we need to prove that we earn revenues from the
game ! It means that we need to show that it's actually possible to buy
cards within the game, and only then they will release the 5k?.
In conclusion : if we want to receive these funds in the coming months
(and use them for promotion of the game for instance), then we need to
include in our existing budget the addition of this payment system & cards.

I'll be glad to discuss all this with you during a daily meeting. Maybe
on friday once Deb & Xav are settled ?

Xavier Antoviaque
2012-09-05 07:06:04 UTC
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 2:37 PM, david blanchard <
I'll be glad to discuss all this with you during a daily meeting. Maybe on
friday once Deb & Xav are settled ?
Yup, sounds good : )

But actually this is good, I like that they push to at least try, it will
be interesting for us to see if some players actually buy cards, or not : )
Given the small trafic it wouldn't be suprising if they don't, but still.

However, yep, the issue is that it's not necessarily small. Since we're no
in the US we can't do it quickly with Stripe, probably the next easiest is
Paypal or similar (although Paypal is evil and should die in flames, but I
can sit on my pride to get the CNC money :p).
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david blanchard
2012-09-05 09:12:22 UTC
Post by Xavier Antoviaque
However, yep, the issue is that it's not necessarily small. Since
we're no in the US we can't do it quickly with Stripe, probably the
next easiest is Paypal or similar (although Paypal is evil and should
die in flames, but I can sit on my pride to get the CNC money :p).
hehe, that was the kind of question i had in mind, yep :), along with
the amount of work needed for a minimal version. Cool that we discuss it
on friday.
